CRISPR-Cas13 Test Inexpensively and Rapidly Reveals HIV Viral Load

Scientists at Penn State have developed an assay that lets them to directly measure HIV viral load in a drop of blood. The technology...

Gravity-Driven Microfluidics for Low-Cost Diagnostics

Researchers at Duke University have developed a gravity-powered microfluidic device that is intended for use as a diagnostic technology in low-resource areas. Microfluidics have...

Wireless Patch Monitors, Paces Heart and then Biodegrades

Researchers at Northwestern University have developed a cardiac monitoring device that is intended for use in patients who have suffered a cardiac event. The...

Artificial Muscle Changes Stiffness with Voltage

Scientists at Queen Mary University of London have developed an artificial muscle that can change from soft to hard in response to a voltage...

Above Elbow Amputee Controls Individual Bionic Fingers

Researchers at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden have developed a new technique that could allow above-elbow amputees to better use robotic prostheses, including...

Imaging Technique Reveals Living Brain Tissue in its Complexity

Researchers at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria have developed a brain imaging technique called Live Information Optimized Nanoscopy Enabling Saturated Segmentation (LIONESS)....
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